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How do I file a Proof of Loss form?

To initiate a loss:

The property insurance proof of loss usually is part of the claim process, including:
*The amount
*The parties claiming under the policy
*Those with an interest
*The date and cause of loss
*Some supporting documents of the amount of the loss.
The policy usually requires that the proof of loss be sworn to as truthful and a contain a notarized signature by the insured. The time to provide a proof of loss varies from policy to policy and from state to state. It’s important to comply with the time requirements of submitting the proof of loss. In some instances, a late-filed proof of loss may provide the insurer with a basis to deny an otherwise valid proof of loss.
By Brenda McFarlane November 1, 2019
I like to stress the importance of getting you to a safe & COMFORTABLE place. We can help!
By Brenda McFarlane November 1, 2019
The body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.
By Brenda McFarlane October 15, 2019
Their estimates need to be honored, not low-balled. If you really took the time to see what they have to endure, you'll agree.
By websitebuilder August 29, 2019
Don't wait for the double strike! Let us evaluate your property and see if the policy language & your damages match up to a covered claim.
By websitebuilder August 29, 2019
We no longer have to break down walls to see if there's hidden water damage. Thermo imaging allows us to see through walls, no sense in making a mess for nothing!
By Brenda McFarlane August 26, 2019
On 8.2019 One our client's discovered water leaking from her kitchen 7:30am. Her first thought was "How do I turn off the main water line???" She didn't know where it was and started to panic. luckily, as she ran outside (still searching), there appeared an inspector's truck parked at her neighbors house; what luck! He was able to help her out and charged her accordingly. The damage to her kitchen, living room & hallway bathroom was obvious and she did file a claim. She also called our company and wanted us to get involved; wanting to make sure everything was accounted for and she was paid what was rightfully due. Here's her outcome: 1. New carpet throughout her condo (no patch job since it has to match). 2. Kitchen flooring replace + entire cabinetry. Hallway bathroom flooring replaced. 3. Her personal property also got damaged: electric mixers and other small items that added up to :$986.00 will be paid to her. 4. Total cost of repairs $14,200.00 will be paid to her for her contractors. 5. She is also staying at a lovely Hotel (poolside) for three weeks while repairs are being made. 6. She will be submitting her mileage report since she has to travel from hotel to condo to check on the progress of the workers. 7. Her meals will be paid since she has to eat out 7 days a week.
By websitebuilder August 19, 2019
Insurance companies have a reserve amount they set aside for homeowners. That amount is very low compared to how much you're really suppose to get. Let us handle your claim and get you better results. It's a NO BRAINER!
By websitebuilder August 19, 2019
By Brenda McFarlane August 19, 2019
Water leak leads to mold. Have us inspect it at no cost to you. We'll take a look at your policy for coverages.
By websitebuilder August 19, 2019
What you need to say when your 'commissioned' insurance company adjuster says "that's not a good idea ¬t to do it".
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